通过 1:250 000 多目标区域地球化学调查、采样和化验, 获得了阜阳市东南部地区表层、深层土壤中 22 项指 标的土壤地球化学背景值、基准值等数据, 研究其分布特征, 并依据相应规范进行土壤质量评价。结果显示, 与邻区 ( 淮北2亳州) 土壤基准值相比, N、Mn、I、Cr 等 8 种元素( 指标) 土壤基准值略高, 而 P、M gO、S、Cd 等 8 种元素( 指标) 则低于邻区; N、Cor g 和 Mn 土壤背景值高于邻区的土壤背景值; 而 P、CaO、MgO、S 等 8 种元素( 指标) 土壤背景值 低于邻区。土壤养分主要处于中等水平、土壤环境质量以清洁为主, 仅存在少量轻微污染土壤, 影响土壤环境的地 球化学指标主要为 Cd。区内土壤质量综合评价以优质等级为主, 约占研究区总面积的 761 33% ; 其次为良好等级, 占研究区总面积的 231 67% , 就此提出了土地资源分质利用的建议。
[Key word]
Thro ug h the geochemical surv ey and the sampling o f 1B 250 000 tar get areas, the soil g eochemica l backg round v alues and refer ence values of 22 indicators in surface and deep soils w ere obtained to study the distributio n characteristics in the so utheastern part o f Fuyang City. Soil qualit y ev aluatio n was calculated according to the corresponding specificatio ns. The re2 sults show ed that the so il reference v alues o f 8 elements ( indicators) such as N, Mn, I and Cr w ere slightly hig her, w hile 8 ele2 ments such as P, M gO, S and Cd ( indicato rs) w ere lower com par ed with the so il r eference va lue o f the neighboring area ( H uai2 bei2Bozho u) . T he soil backg ro und values of N, Co rg , and Mn wer e hig her than those of the adjacent ar ea. T he so il backg ro und values of 8 elements ( indicato rs) such as P, CaO, MgO and S wer e low er than the adjacent ar eas. Soil nutrients wer e mainly at a medium level, w hile the soil env iro nmental quality was clean and only a small amo unt o f slig ht ly polluted soil ex isted in t he stud2 y area. The g eochemical index w hich affect ing the soil env iro nment w as Cd. T he comprehensive evaluat ion of so il quality in the area w as high quality g rade, accounting fo r 761 33% of the to tal area in the study area, followed by g oo d g rade, accounting for 231 67% of the to tal ar ea o f the study a rea. Therefor e, the sugg estions o n the qualit at ive utilizatio n of land resources wer e put forw ar d.
中国地质调查局地质调查项目( DD20190532)