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The Jungar coalfield is one of the major coal resource mining sites in northwest China.Water damage at the bottom of the coal seam has become an important factor that is limiting the development of the local economy and society.Therefore,it is important to identify the recharge relationship and circulation characteristics between atmospheric precipitation,surface water,and groundwater in the Jungar coalfield to provide a theoretical basis for the scientific development of coal resources and the effective restoration of groundwater resources in the area. Environmental isotope method,water chemistry analysis methods,and HYSPLIT applied to the groundwater of the Jungar coalfield.Through historical data collection,field survey sampling,and indoor analysis,the water chemistry composition and environmental isotope characteristics of atmospheric precipitation,surface water and groundwater,the main sources of atmospheric precipitation,surface water and groundwater transformation relationships were analyzed.The results show that:(1) Surface water has low mineralization and is weakly alkaline,and the water chemistry type is mainly HCO3·SO4·Cl-Ca type water.The overall mineralization of groundwater is low and weakly alkaline,and the water chemistry type is mainly HCO3-Na·Ca type,ClNa type,HCO3-Ca·Mg type,and HCO3·Cl-Na type water.(2) The average value of δ(D)of Yellow River water is -79.6‰,and the δ(18.O) is -10.7‰,respectively.The average value of δ(D) of Quaternary water is -66.25‰,and the δ(18.O) is -9.1‰,respectively.The average value of δ(D) of Cretaceous water is -70.6‰,and theδ(18.O) is -9.3‰,respectively.The average value of δ(D) of CarboniferousPermian water is -77.07‰,and the δ(18.O) is -9.9‰,respectively.The average value of CambrianOrdovician water δ(D) average value is -75.73‰,δ(18.O) is -10.06‰.Atmospheric precipitation is influenced by polar air masses and southeastern monsoons,and the principal sources are westerly water vapor,surface water,and groundwater vapor evaporation recirculation.(3) The fourth system water has high tritium content,the presence of nuclear explosive tritium,and excellent groundwater runoff conditions.The Cretaceous water has low tritium content and is a mixture of groundwater recharged before 1952 and recently recharged water.The CarboniferousPermian water contains a wide range of tritium content,including groundwater recharged before 1952 and modern water.The CambrianOrdovician water contains a wide range of tritium content,including groundwater recharged before 1952,modern water,and mixed water.(4) The recharge ratio of atmospheric precipitation to CambrianAustralian water ranges from 0.98% to 91.7%,with an average recharge rate of 61.2%.The recharge ratio of surface water (referred to as Yellow River water) to CambrianOrdovician water ranges from 0.83% to 90.2%,with an average recharge rate of 38.8%.Among them,the recharge ratio of Yellow River water to CambrianOrdovician water is larger in Longwanggou,Suancigou,and Huangyuchuan well field,which is influenced by the development of geological structures. The fault zone and the fracture zone of the fold axis are the main waterconducting channels between different aquifers.Atmospheric precipitation and the Yellow River are the principal sources of groundwater recharge.The precipitation vapor sources are mainly westerly water vapor,surface water,and groundwater vapor evaporation recirculation.Highly pressurized head CambrianOrdovician karst fracture water crossflow recharges the Fourth Series and sandstone fracture water.The pore water of the Fourth Series recharges the fracture water of the CarboniferousPermian sandstone downward through the fracture development zone of the unconformity contact surface between the strata.The recharge ratio of the Yellow River to Cambrian-Australian water is influenced by the development of geological structures.In Longwanggou,Suancigou,and Huangyuchuan well field,the proportion of recharge of the Yellow River water to CambrianOrdovician water is larger.